Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Another story up and another slaughter by anonymous.  I get wanting to give creative critism but some of the anons are just defeatest bull that don't add anything other than, you were stupid not to use an editor.  A person stepped forward and is editing the last post so hopefully will get an updated one up here soon.  I have to say that writing the incest erotica story I got a lot of nicer people and less angry ones like I did with my forced femme stories.  People don't seem to bother reading the tags, think I need to start giving an upfront disclaimer on certain stories since have such a small space for description.

Wost part is I don't have time to write lately even though I have lots of ideas coming to me.  I spend all day at work jotting stuff down and refine them in my head during the day and while trying to go to sleep.  But with work and life, just not getting time to sit down and write which is really pissing me off because I have gotten back into the love of writing which I couldn't do for a long time, solo writing.

Hopefully this weekend can bang out a story at least.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sequels, a new thing for me.

It was nice to see at least one story garnered a lot of interest of those in the same kinks department as myself.  I wanted to work on something else but the idea for a sequel to my Cheaters Never Prosper story came to me, though it may be a long one.  Considering how it's in my head, I might need to break it up into sections.